The adolescence is so marvelous!
For years after the awaited examinations for which I studied all the high school, I received a rewarding new and was that my effort had had fruits, because I had been able to be student of the Vocacional Exact Sciences Polytechnical Institute Máximo Gómez Báez.
Located in Camagüey, Cuba province. The center is a scholastic city and counts on basic middle school, middle technical learning and the precollege student with 10 to 12 degrees.
There I have many memories so special, that will always remain in my memory.
As much that we studied to obtain a university instruction, but also the festivals, the dancing which as much pleased to all not as much to me, that was bad in those subjects, I claim "was", because at the moment although I am still not going much to dance, the truth is that I have improved enough.
How forgetting the love, my fort from always, I remember my first girlfriend there, who made me in shook and felt in the stars, those so special loves of the adolescence.
I remember my special middle crazy friend José Luis Estrada Caballero (of the Conception and the Pedraja Izaguirre) that is in the photo. Thanks to you Jose, we passed good moments bothering and giving leather (jodiendo y dando cuero).
And tell me something, still you with the woods (Palos) and Milagros´s walked (camina´o) .
I also passed moments very difficults but equal I amused much.
Thanks to you Aryanni Don Cardoso, is really that in pre I thought that would not perhaps remember to you with time, but you are a great friend who remains in my mind.
Precious and sweet Dianellys Vidal Lorente I hope that the future helps you to be happy, and hopefully that I can do something for you.
And how to forget to my second mother, Denise Comás Isaac, I send a kiss and a hug to you.
An strong hug for Yuniesky, you gave me at my difficult moments an special company that it helped me to follow ahead: “The music of Ricardo Arjona”
Dear friend Jesús Rodríguez Ledo, I can assure you that for all us, your death was a hard loss, we will be remembering you forever. You was wonderful with good character and amused person, hopefully that God exists because if is true, surely you will be with him ............. and for that reason I have put the color of the hope in your text.
My friend Aimeé Vena Palmero really my ideology is not equal to yours but the most important about the world is the friendship.
Dunia Perez Souto, excuses if someday I made you cry because you are a very special woman like your mother, hopefully you have me like your friend.
My friend Idania Bacalláo I remember you because I believe that you have been one of the few people with whom I could speak like two really adults.
Dear professor of Spanish, I do not remember your name but I do not forget you because the time when I made the composition of Don Quijote de la Mancha you congratulated me very much, thanks because this has been one of the times of my life that better I have felt.
My friend Dannelys thanks to call to Colombia to know about me, many affections.
Thanks to all you for being so special .
Wilson Gan
Graduation 2000